A mockumentary about some guys struggling to make an online sketch show - no views, no plan.
The irony of the situation was that this mockumentary turned into a real documentary because the show ended up getting no views and we had no plan on how to promote it.

Before we had even put the show online or anything - one of Duncan’s college buddies was trying to become a Hollywood manager, he knew no one and had zero connections, but was working for some ‘company’ that was located at some dudes’ house in the Hollywood Hills where he and a couple other dream chasers worked. Duncan’s friend heard about the idea of Party at David’s and wanted to sign us to the agency. They invited us to lunch and gave us some pitch about how their agency can help further us. Duncan didn’t give a shit, he was ready to sign the contract no matter what the terms were. I was skeptical, I was wondering what they would even ‘manage.’ Me sitting on my front porch shirtless drinking a margarita at two in the afternoon? I said no to signing anything, then they started trying to woo us and said ‘what if we hooked you guys up with a Wayans for your sketch show?’ We said ‘a Wayans?!’ simultaneously. And they were like ‘Yeah, like the Wayans family - In Living Color, Scary Movie, White Chicks.’ He went on to tell us how he was family friends with the Wayans group and how they would hit them up to have them in one of our sketches.
The following Saturday, we got a knock on the door, low and behold Greg Wayans was standing on our doorstep. Greg Wayans was an unknown nephew or something, either way we put him in an episode and were happy to have him around that day.